Tuesday, May 22, 2012


For every distance runner there is going to be gear to use during or surrounding the run. The most common gear is obviously running shoes, shorts, shirts, and socks. I’ll touch base on these briefly. The gear that not every distance runner needs but will definitely come in handy are watches, beanies, sleeves, gloves, water belts, and energy drinks and food. A good pair of running shoes specialized to the runner is always necessary; your best bet is to go into a store like Runner’s Roost and have an employee size your foot and determine what type of shoe is best for you. Don’t always get the “pretty” looking shoe. Running shorts come in all types, for men, I suggest mid-thigh, light-weight shorts, you can find these at Dick’s Sporting Goods or any other running store. You are going to want a thin, breathable T-shirt or none at all, to run in; you can find this with your new shorts. Socks are a little different; you don’t want to get high socks because they tend to absorb more sweat. I suggest ankle socks that come right above the ankle or the shorter ones with the heel pad so you don’t blister. Although a watch isn’t necessary for running, it is a good thing to have. You can find a good watch with multiple settings at Wal-Mart for as low as $7 or an even nicer one on the Nike website. For winter runs it’s never fun to run with lots of layers on or with none at all. This is why I wear a beanie, gloves, and arm sleeves. They are all thin but they’ll keep you warm. Your legs will stay warm if you’re running. Lastly, energy drinks and foods will always help out. I drink a Gatorade post-workout protein shake and eat a Power Bar after my runs to replenish my energy. These are some helpful hinters to the gear for distance running. Some links for reviews and gear: http://www.runningwarehouse.com/catpage-MRANIKE.html http://www.popsci.com/gadgets/article/2011-06/gear-help-long-distance-runners-get-shape http://www.livestrong.com/running-shoe-reviews/ http://running.about.com/od/shoesapparelandgear/tp/marathontraininggear.htm

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